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Hazel Class

Welcome to Hazel Class - we are the Year 5's and Year 6's at Morton Primary! 

Miss Allen is the teacher in this class. Mrs Buckley and Miss Brown are the teaching assistants that support us. 

Our learning this half term:

Our topic focus is Earth and Space - The Space Race! We are learning about what the Space Race was, know some of the major events and people that contributed to it and all about Galileo and his achievements.

In Art we are learning about different drawing tecniques. We will be analysing existing artwork and using a range of media to create different effects. 

In Science we are learning about Earth and Space. We will know about the Earth orbiting the sun, the movement of the Earth and other planets in the solar system, be able to demonstrate how night and day are created and know the order of the planets from the sun.

In PSHE we are focusing on changes. We will be able to recognise that feelings can change over time, identify things that affect our feelings, recognise the signs when someone may be struggling and identify strategies to deal with change.  

Our question in RE is 'Why do some people believe God exists?'

In Computing we are learning about how to create programmes that have specific variables.

Our focus in PE this term is tennis and dance. 

Our current class book is:

The class books we've read so far this year are:

Useful information:

PE days - Wednesday and Friday  

Children should come to school in their school PE kits on PE days. PE uniform includes the following:

  • Black/grey shorts, leggings or joggers
  • White or team coloured t-shirt
  • Plain black/grey/navy sweatshirt or hoodie
  • Trainers/plimsolls

Key dates:
Friday 3rd May - Inset Day
Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday

Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th May - Y6 SATS

Useful websites:



Spelling Shed