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Maple Class

Welcome to Maple Class. We are a Year 3 and 4 class. Mrs Baines is the class teacher, Mrs Hicks and Mrs Waring are the teaching assistants who support learning.  

Our Learning:

This half term we are continuing with What did the Romans do for us? This involves looking at when the Romans invaded Britain and the developments they brought with them. We will also be looking at the Iceni queen Boudicca and the rebellion against the Romans. Within this topic, we will be taking at trip to Rushcliffe Educational Centre to spend the day experiencing Roman life and what this was like for a soldier.

In Music, we are looking at the history of Rock 'n' Roll, learning the hand jive, playing tuned instruments and discussing how the pitch and tempo changes throughout a piece of music.

In Science, we are focusing on Sound. We will be looking at how sound waves travel through different mediums and how they are received. We will be investigating how sound travels through solids, liquids and gases, how sound can be absorbed by different materials and look at how the pitch changes.

In PE, we will be going swimming on a Wednesday afternoon starting on 24th April. We are also doing Basketball developing our skills of throwing, catching, aiming with accuracy and teamwork. 

In PSHE, we are discussing Drug Education. We will be recognising that habits can have both positive/negative effects on a healthy lifestyle, understanding how medicines, when used responsibly, contribute to health, understanding the importance of taking medicines correctly and using household products safely, understanding what hazards may cause harm or risk and what they can do to reduce risks/keep safe and lastly learning about the risks and effects of legal drugs common to everyday life.

In Art, we are going to be looking at the artist Andy Warhol and producing our own printing based on the techniques used by this person.

In RE, we are going to be learning about the Hindu faith. We will be looking at the religious place of worship, core beliefs, festivals and religious texts.

Useful information:

Swimming will be on a Wednesday afternoon (Year 3 and 4) so please send kits in a bag.

PE on a Thursday afternoon (for Year 3 and 4) this term so please send your child in their PE kit on this day. Please ensure that PE kits meet the criteria of plain t-shirt/their team colour and black/navy/grey bottoms (shorts, leggings or joggers). Please make sure your child has a named water bottle that they bring to school with them every day.

How you can help

Please ensure that your child reads four times a week. On a Friday, reading records will be collected in to check this has been done since the previous week. 

Also, please ensure that your child accesses TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) and Spelling Shed throughout the week. This is especially important for Year 4 children as they have their multiplication check in June.

A topic menu (creative homework) involving six challenges will be issued once every half term, where children can choose their own activities. Certificates will be given out depending on the number of challenges completed.


Useful Websites: