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Sycamore Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class, we are Year 1 and Year 2!

Miss Carter is the teacher in this class. Mrs Currie is the teaching assistant. Mrs Roberts teaches in this class on a Tuesday. 

Our learning this half term:

This half-term our topic focus is Fairytales! We will be completing work in English, Design Technology and Music linking to this topic.

In DT, children will be learning how to make a moving storybook, exploring sliders and movers before making a moving scene from a fairytale. 

We will also be completing a Healthy Diet topic in DT where the children will learn different skills for safe and hygienic preparation of food to make healthy wraps. 

In Science this half-term we are looking at animals in their habitats and learning about food chains. 

Useful information:

Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure you come to school in PE kit on these days. 

PE uniform includes the following:

  • Black/ dark grey/navy shorts, leggings or joggers
  • White or team coloured t-shirt
  • Plain black/dark grey/navy sweatshirt or hoodie
  • Sports trainers/plimsolls

Forest School 

On Thursday afternoons, the Year 1 children will be taking part in Forest Schools. 

Please ensure children come to school in clothing suitable for forest school activities. Preferrably this should be old and warm clothing that can get wet and muddy. You child should bring a pair of wellies into school in a named carrier bag to keep on their peg for the half term.

Key Dates:

Week commencing 10th June - Year 1 phonics screening check. 

Wednesday 12th June - Sports day.

Monday 17th June - Class photos.

Week commencing 24th June - Transition into classes for next year. 

Friday 28th June - INSET day.

Some of our favourite books:

Useful Websites:

Times Tables Rock Stars

For parents | Letters and Sounds

